— from Aloysia Friedmann, Founder and Artistic Director, Sam Coleman, Board President —
To our cherished Patrons, Supporters and Volunteers,
At our Board meeting on Tuesday, July 15, Victoria Parker, the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival’s Executive Director since 2006, announced her upcoming retirement, sometime within the next year.
Victoria has been the organization’s third executive director in its 17 year history and has taken the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival to a remarkable level of stature and recognition. Her leadership as Executive Director has been exemplary, both as the voice of experience in a non-profit organization that has become an important part of island life, and in her personal interactions with so many of us.
Over the years Victoria has created a streamlined office flow, with Joyce Stone, Festival Office and Marketing Manager, and Laura Gibbons, Festival Production Manager. Our Festival office has a beautiful atmosphere, and Victoria continues to welcome all who visit. (There’s a good chance that she already knows your favorite variety of tea!) Also, her passion for impacting the lives of younger island residents is evident in our greatly expanded Music Education Program.
This past year we passed the torch of Board President from Valerie Anders to Sam Coleman. That this transition has happened so smoothly is largely due to the fundamental stability of our organization, as manifested in Victoria’s fine work. The Executive Directorship and Board leadership continue to support Aloysia Friedmann’s Artistic vision.
A Search Committee has been assembled to move towards finding a new Executive Director. We have a long established Succession Plan protocol, and we all look forward to a challenging task ahead, and the very thoughtful process involved.
In the meantime, we embrace Victoria and her decision to step down with confidence in the knowledge that the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival is in a very good and strong place. We also look forward to many opportunities to thank Victoria for her dedication to the Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival.
Thank you, Victoria. We will celebrate you with music throughout the coming year!
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Victoria has been an extraordinary force in the success of the OICMC. Congratulations Victoria on a job superbly well done!
Best wishes on your next successful and enjoyable transformation!