By Fred Klein

Two weeks ago I extended an invitation to islanders to spend some time together to craft a consensus on what we can do, as a community, to reduce the risk of a tragedy like the recent shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

Here’s a link to the original invitation with a number of comments endorsing the consensus process:

…and here’s a link to the process outline including dates which will be followed during the event:

As of Monday, twenty-nine persons have registered, including at least one candidate for SJCC, our fire chief, our new under-Sheriff, Orcas Island School District Staff, counseling professionals, parents, and engaged citizens with varied backgrounds. Ideally, our group will grow to between 40 and 50 persons…60 persons max.

I am doing my best to encourage participation by as diverse a group of islanders as possible, especially including persons familiar with firearms. If you hunt or cherish your weapons, you have something to add to the conversation…we’ll be striving to achieve a community-consensus…on this issue, a consensus derived from a group which did not include gun owners, would, in my opionion, fall short.

Please join with me and others so we can reach the stated goal; namely,

To reach a consensus on what changes to local practices and attitudes we can make in order to lower the risk of such an event occurring on Orcas Island; and draft a statement of that consensus to be published and shared with the Orcas community.

I hope you feel the topic is worth your time…

Pre-registration is required for attendance at the event…call me at 376-5377 or email: