— from Eleanor Hoague —

Today [April 16], Nuñez, his attorney, Pete and Jack Helsell, and I all went to Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) at the Seattle ICE office to formally file the Request for Stay of Deportation which included the three-inch-plus stack of your letters of support.

Although the deportation officer who is responsible for Nuñez’s case was “out for the day,” we were able to speak with a substitute officer who paid close attention to our reasons for requesting the stay and seemed fairly receptive to our request. He said that he would transmit all that we had said along with the Request to Nuñez’s deportation officer.

Ben’s attorney did a very good job of concisely summarizing the arguments for a continued stay. Pete, Jack and Ben all did an outstanding job of speaking to the need to stay the deportation. The officer asked about how Nuñez arrived, how long ago, criminal record, and some things about the mill. I think it came off well, but considering the degree of press the case has elicited I dare say that ERO is handling their responses very carefully.

Today, in coordination with our filing, Senator Murray’s office called Nathalie Asher, the head of Enforcement and Removal Operations in Seattle, to draw Asher’s attention to the case, and the extraordinary merits of Ben’s circumstances.

While ERO is considering the case, the April 29 date of deportation is not pending. Although it is unlikely that we will hear back very quickly (it usually takes a while to get a response), they could make a quick decision, they could postpone the decision for couple of months, or they could just never get back to Nuñez or his attorneys with another deportation date. That, of course, leaves Nuñez in limbo, but as he says, he has been in limbo for the past 16 years, really. Great attitude, Ben!

Amusing note: when we all trooped in to the ERO office to request the stay last year, Nuñez looked so professional and handsome in his suit and tie that the ICE officer assumed he was the lawyer, and started addressing him as “Counselor!” We all got a good laugh about that, which was a relief under the circumstances.

We really have no way of assessing the outcome of our efforts. I am just proud to see a community come together — from all political bents — to support Nuñez so strongly. It is extremely impressive to me. Let us hope it is extremely impressive to those who hold Nuñez’s fate in their hands.