— from Meredith Griffith, OICC —

un-namedSaturday, May 28: Pancake Wash fundraiser for Camp Chelan
Pancake breakfast and car wash fundraiser to help local middle and high-schoolers attend the annual Camp Chelan in June. “Eat pancakes while your car gets washed!” say organizers.

Tickets are $5 per car wash and $5 per pancake breakfast. You can buy tickets from students, at the church office, or at the event. Donations are welcome and will help island kids attend this positive and community-building camp. The pancake wash will run from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at the community church. Attendees must be in line by 11:30 a.m. in order to be served. Cars will be moved/driven by adults only.

June 20-24: Camp Chelan
This year’s Camp Chelan will be held at 90-acre Daroga State Park on the Columbia River. Middle and high-school kids will enjoy boating, water skiing, swimming, water slides, cosmic bowling, ice skating, ziplining, a hoe-down, great food, great music, and “real talk” in the evenings. It’s a great time to have fun and meet new friends from a local church in Omak.

“I love camp not only because of the beautiful sunny days and good food, but also because it brings people together,” says island teen Rowie Lister. “There’s no forced assimilation. There’s no forced smiles. You go to camp on the 20th, and on the 24th, you leave surprised at how many friends you’ve made. How many bonds you’ve strengthened. Camp Chelan is amazing not just because of the water slides, the games, or white water rafting. It’s amazing because, as you’re running through the dark, playing capture the flag at night, or you’re in the chapel praying, you can look around you, and see all the people, the friends that you have made.”

The cost to attend is $180 for early registration and $220 after June 1. For more info or to register, visit www.orcasyouth.com.

Sundays in July and August: Souped Up Summer Sunday School
Souped-up Sunday School is a great time to mix it up and do something different on Sunday mornings. After a short time of Scripture-based lessons and Bible memory, the kids are let loose to enjoy the normally fabulous summer weather of Orcas Island with a 50-foot slip-and-slide, outside games and play (weather permitting).

Monday through Thursday, July 11-14: Vacation Bible School
The theme for VBS this year is “Submerged: Finding truth beneath the surface,” based on Psalm 139:23-24. The motto is “Jesus sees. Jesus knows. Jesus saves,” and we will learn about looking at the heart, not just the outside.

The church will be decorated for a time of “deep sea diving exploration” as kids enjoy fun and energetic action songs, times of teaching and prayer, building friendships and

Registration is at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, July 11. VBS will run from 9 a.m. to noon. Registration will be online at OICC website the second week in June. For more info, visit https://vbs.lifeway.com/.

Pioneer Clubs for island elementary-age kids is on break for the summer and will resume at the end of September.

July 29-31: Kindlings SummerFest
This year the annual KindlingsFest has been scaled down to create SummerFest, a weekend event sparking the synergy of spirit, intellect and creativity. Speakers will include Cambridge poet/priest Dr. Malcolm Guite, composer/conductor/vocalist/pianist Dr. Stephen Newby and C.S. Lewis scholar and author Dr. Jerry Root, along with worship leader Jeff Johnson.

The theme this year is “The Rest of the Story.”

“In this busy, frenetic age, individuals and institutions need to learn to find a rhythm of work and rest, productivity and lying fallow,” organizers say. “The Judeo-Christian tradition calls this a Sabbath. This weekend we will concentrate on learning about rest and resting.”