Meeting of the Minds: “Orca Behavior: Comparing Two Killer Whale Populations in the Salish Sea” presented by Monika Wieland – Wednesday, January 19 at 1 p.m. by Zoom


Monika Wieland

The Salish Sea houses two different populations of orcas that spend their time in the region. The critically endangered salmon-eating Southern Residents are declining. Meanwhile, the mammal-eating Bigg’s killer whales are thriving. Monika Wieland’s talk will introduce you to these two different members of the same species.

Monika fell in love with the Southern Resident killer whales when she first saw them from Lime Kiln Lighthouse and San Juan Island at the age of 15. Starting as a research intern at The Whale Museum, later working as a marine naturalist, and finally co-founding the nonprofit research group, the Orca Behavior Institute.

To attend, access the Zoom link on the Calendar of Events page at on Wednesday, January 19 at 1 p.m. As always, your generous donation is appreciated.