Wednesday, February 19, 10 a.m., Madrona Room

— from Nita Couchman for Orcas Island Garden Club —

The Orcas Island Garden Club welcomes Debby Hatch to our February 19th meeting in the Madrona Room at the Orcas Center at 10:00 am.

For her presentation titled Tomatoes from Seed to Harvest, Lopez Island home gardener Debby Hatch will describe how she germinates tomato seeds, raises sturdy seedlings, transplants them, trains growing plants and finally harvests tomatoes. She will also describe how she selects tomato varieties and will recommend her favorites. She’ll illustrate each stage of the process with photographs from her garden.

For the past 25 years, Debby Hatch has grown a four-season kitchen garden on Lopez Island. She has given workshops and presentations on vegetable gardening for the WSU Master Gardeners, the San Juan County Fair AG Tent, the Lopez Garden Club and the Orcas Island Garden Club. From 2006-2011, she wrote the monthly Green Living column for the Islands’ Weekly. She currently writes the blog Lopez Island Kitchen Gardens at

The Orcas Island Garden Club welcomes new members and encourages gardeners, landscapers, farmers, and those who love nature to enjoy this month’s presentation. After the presentation, visitors are encouraged to stop by our membership table and become a member of the Garden Club. All attendees may socialize, share gardening info and advice, and enjoy treats in the social hour following the meeting.
For more information about the Garden Club, visit