— by Lin McNulty, Editor, Orcas Issues —

I could offer any number of seemingly valid explanations as to why yesterday’s story about RockIsland’s service interruption came to be posted on Orcas Issues. Each of those explanations can only end with “Lin blew it.”

I received email notification from RockIsland Communications of a scheduled disruption yesterday afternoon. I immediately posted it and then began to plan ahead so that something would post this morning before things went down.

As I was falling asleep last night, I realized that the RockIsland notice had been sent to my personal email address, not Orcas Issues and that perhaps it wasn’t going to be a scheduled outage for everyone. As I drifted off, I made a dreamy mental note to check on that, and correct if needed, first thing in the morning.

So, no internet connection this morning. When I finally got back online at about 3 p.m. today I found a message from RockIsland’s Dan Burke:

“This article was meant for a small group of people who live on [specific street], which you happen to be one. This is not an island-wide or county-wide notice. Can you please retract this post?

“The message was sent to specific customers (less than 100) about the potential for short periods of disruptions. Most services will automatically switch to other sites and not see disruptions. This message was not intended for mass, or public distribution.

“Crews are performing this work during daylight hours due to safety requirements. We know the internet is a MUST right now, and we would not cause disruptions unless it was absolutely needed. The product of this work will be increased performance for our customers.”

So there you have it. Sorry for any undue anxiety.

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