The regular meeting of the County Council on Tuesday, June 18 will include public hearings regarding:

  • Applications and Grant Allocations for Public Facilities Financial Assistance Program (PFFAP) – Milene Henley, Auditor; Debbie Emery, Administrative Coordinator
  • Open space farm and Ag Conservation Land Application for Robert Waldron (POPNSP-13-0001) – Julie Thompson, Planner III
  •  Open space farm and Ag Conservation Land Application for Bret and Jodi Fowler (POPNSP-13-0002) – Julie Thompson, Planner III
  • Open space farm and Ag Conservation Land Application for Phyllis Tappan (POPNSP-13-0003) – Julie Thompson, Planner III

At 10:15 a.m. a discussion is scheduled for Stormwater Code Amendments Policy Direction [public comment accepted] – Linda Kuller, Senior Planner

Following the lunch recess, the Council will discuss and act upon:

  • Federal Grant for Deer Harbor Bridge Repair – Rachel Dietzman, County Engineer
  •  Solid Waste Update – Frank Mulcahy, Director Public Works; Sam Gibboney, Solid Waste Program Administrator
    •  Orcas Recycling Services (ORS) Agreement – 1st Touch
    •  Lopez Solid Waste Disposal District (LSWDD) Interlocal Agreement Approval
    • San Juan Island Solid Waste Agreement – 1st Touch
  • Flow Control Ordinance – 1st Touch
  • Solid Waste Fund Update

The Council will then hear Subcommittee Updates and additional updates on the  I-5 Skagit River Bridge. Updates by the Interim County Manager and Council Clerk will follow. The meeting is scheduled to adjourn at 5 p.m.