from Orcas Family Health

We are really excited for this fun event on Saturday. Families who attend always seem to have lots of fun. Truck- A-Palooza is an event where members of the community volunteer their time to bring all kinds of vehicles to the airport and we open the gates so kids can come see them all and honk the horns and ask questions about how the vehicles work.

It is a great time to take pictures and learn about trucks, tractors, busses, etc.  We will even have a rescue helicoptor there this year!  Hot food will be available, too.

The gates open from 10am to 2pm, but don’t miss the kick-off Parade of Trucks through town at 9:30!

Entry is by donation and the donations will go to help Orcas Family Health Center to continue to provide healthcare to all patients, regardless of their income.

And traffic advisory from Port of Orcas

The ramp south of the FedEx shack will be OTS (out of service) from late Friday afternoon, June 7, 2013 through late afternoon Saturday, June 8, 2013 so that the port can host the annual Truckapalooza event.

Various vehicles will be both on the ramp and on the grass. Entrance for visitation will be either at the southeast gate or the ramp man-gate.

Since Saturday is also Young Eagles Day, the area airside of both the biplane hangar and the Aeronautical Services hangar will be used for aircraft staging for those taking rides. Please be very careful when entering the area either through the ASI gate or the gate between ASI and the terminal.

If you have any comments or concerns regarding access, please contact port staff.