The Orcas Island Triple Ripple Trail Festival is pleased to include a presentation by Seattle instructor Laura Houston on the art of Chi Running, Saturday, Oct. 2, 5:30 pm at the Environmental Learning Center in Moran State Park.

Chi Running is an approach to distance running that combines aspects of Tai Chi, form change and mindfulness to produce effortless, pain-free movement.  Houston is a certified instructor in Chi Running, and has taught hundreds of people through workshops and individual instruction in the Seattle area.  An ultra-marathoner and avid ‘barefoot’ runner, Houston is frequently seen on trails around Washington state, as well as in the University of Washington’s Hoffman Lab where she is a biomedical researcher.

The Orcas Island Triple Ripple Trail Festival schedule of races is as follows:  4-miler: Saturday, Oct. 2 at 9 am, Mountain Lake.  The 10K Uphill Climb is Saturday afternoon at 3 pm, starting at the ELC.   The 30K is Sunday, Oct. 3, at 8 am, also starting at the ELC.

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