By the Friends of the Orcas Island Library (FOIL)

The Friends of the Library have new guidelines as to the acceptance of donated books.  Experience has taught us that we need to reduce the number of donated books for use in our future Book Sales.  It would help us if you would only donate books in good condition.

And, just what IS “good” condition?

First, it applies to books that are NOT dirty, musty, heavily underlined or with broken spines.

Second, technical books older than five years are no longer useful to most of us.  Please do not donate them to the library. If you do, Friends has to pay to have them recycled with funds we would rather give to the library.As a reminder, we have already stopped accepting encyclopedias, cassettes and homemade CDs or DVDs.

You can find a copy of our complete updated acceptance guidelines posted at the library.

Thank you for your donations that make it possible to fund programs and purchase materials for the Orcas Island Library. We hope you understand our need to upgrade the materials that we display for your pleasure at the book sales in August (the 13th this year) and February.

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