Saturday, October 1, 7 p.m., Orcas Grange

— from Linda Peth —

trashionladiesA true Island event is the Trashion Fashion Show on Saturday October 1 at 7 p.m. at the Orcas Island Grange. Fashionistas are adding final touches to their outfits made of recyclable materials to parade on stage for your enjoyment and fun.

Melinda Milligan will present the commentary on the Fashions, along with Carl Burger on banjo, guitar and ukulele and accompanied by Dave Roseberry on guitar with songs we all know, along with their spontaneous original songs for your entertainment.


There will be prizes for participants and a variety of bite-sized desserts, coffee, cider and fun conversation after the show, along with a raffle for  Gift Certificates at Island Market

Tickets are at Darvill’s Book Store and Kay’s for $15 a person and at the door. The proceeds are for the Grange Building Maintenance Fund.