Thursday, Sept. 6 from 3 to 6 p.m. at the Eastsound Fire Hall

— from Colin Maycock, County Planner —

Eastsound Planning Review Committee, an advisory board of citizen volunteers to the County Council

The Eastsound Planning Review Committee (EPRC) will hold its regular monthly meeting this Thursday. On the agenda:

3:00 pm Welcome and Introductions

3:10 pm Additions or Agenda modifications

3:15 pm Approval of Minutes of August 2nd meeting

3:20 pm Rick Hughes County Update

3:30 pm Public Access/Comment #1 (15 min)

3:45 pm SJC Public Works Discussion of N. Beach Rd Streetscape (Shannon Wilbur)

4:30 pm Affordable Housing Initiative (Ryan Page)

5:00 pm Open Space Resolution (Margaret Payne)

5:30 pm Clean Water District Upcoming Eastsound Projects and Fees (PaulKamin)

5:45 pm Permit Application Review:

  917 Mt. Baker Road:

  423 Main St., Centurylink:

 April’s Grove, North Beach Road:

58 Raptor Road, Owner/Builder:

Crescent Beach:

5:55 pm EPRC Applications

6:00 pm Adjourn