The Town of Friday Harbor is accepting proposals for artwork to be displayed on or against a 235-foot wall along Blair Avenue. Proposals will be accepted until March 22, 2021. All proposals will be considered with preference going to those from local artists.

The Friday Harbor Arts Commission (FHAC) will review and select one or more of the proposals to recommend to the Town Council. The Council will make the final selection.

“The FHAC is seeking artwork with color and content that will complement the residential and historic nature of the neighborhood and its recent improvements,” said Arts Commissioner Peter Lane. He noted the commission is particularly interested in proposals that will reflect or resonate with the people of Friday Harbor, adding that multiple mediums could be incorporated including photography. The FHAC will enlist the help of a review panel composed of representatives of the Arts Commission, local art community, and Blair Avenue neighbors. The public will be invited to view the final
selections at a public forum.

Interested parties should review the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the Blair Avenue Mural Project at the Town website. The FHAC was formed in 2015 to advise the Town Council on the cultivation, selection, acquisition, and placement of public art.