Wednesday, January 24, 5:30 – 7 p.m., Eastsound Fire Station

— from Alison Shaw for Coalition for Orcas Health Care —

The Coalition for Orcas Health Care is pleased to announce its third Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, January 24, from 5:30- 7 p.m., in the Eastsound Fire Station. Residents are invited to hear more information and voice questions about the proposed Public Hospital District (PHD).  The focus of this meeting will be on the potential costs associated with a Hospital District.

[perfectpullquote align=”right” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]There will be ample time for questions and answers.[/perfectpullquote]

Following a brief overview of the first two Town Hall meetings, moderators Richard Fralick and Patty Miller plan to present some financial information obtained from discussions with the UW Medicine Clinic and Orcas Family Health Center. They will also discuss estimates of the administrative costs of a District on Orcas. In addition, they hope to provide some insight into funding the Hospital District during the time interval between the election in April 2018 and the availability of tax revenues in May 2019.

There will be ample time for questions and answers. “This is an opportunity for Orcas residents to get a better understanding of what it will likely cost to keep the level of medical services we currently have,” said Richard Fralick, former County Council member. “For many years, the shortfalls experienced by the clinics have been funded by generous, private donors,” added Patty Miller, former County Council member. “Some of those largest donors are now gone, so we must now find a sustainable way to keep our health care services.” Other members of the coalition will also be available to answer non-financial questions.

The Coalition hopes for a large attendance at the January 24 Town Hall meeting, and asks readers to spread the word to neighbors and friends.

Future Hall Meetings will be as follows:

  • Saturday, February 24, 10:00 – 11:30 AM, (location TBA): 1st PHD COMMISSIONER CANDIDATES’ FORUM. Come meet the Orcas residents who have filed as candidates for the five Commissioner positions. Bring your questions and let your views be heard.
  • Wednesday, March 14, 5:30-7:00 PM, Eastsound Fire Station: 2nd PHD COMMISSIONER CANDIDATES’ FORUM. Didn’t get to ask your questions last time? Bring them to this meeting!

For more information, and the published Q&A from previous Town Hall meetings, please check the Coalition’s website: Follow the Coalition for Orcas Health Care on Face Book, @Orcascohc.