— from Sharon Ho —

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Awards and Festival honors have been lauded on our hardworking student Strings and Band groups at many off-island performances and competitions. Over the coming three Thursdays, from May 18, the music-loving Orcas community will enjoy the musical talent your support has created. These are wonderful concerts for the whole family to enjoy, so do come!

These concerts are heartwarming in the earnestness with which our younger students ‘attack’ the songs. Heartwarming, too, is the accomplished performances of confident teenagers and graduating seniors who are playing those same instruments they chose way back in Beginning Strings or at 5th grade during Instrument Zoo day in school.

I hear elementary students may be waltzing along to the music at the First All Strings concert this coming Thursday, thanks to dance classes this quarter. Now if that does not put a smile on your face and even a spring to your step I don’t know what will.

Save these school music dates with a smiley in your calendar. And let’s fill those seats.

  • May 18, Thursday, 7pm: First All Strings Concert, High School Gym
  • May 25, Thursday, 6:30pm: K-3 Elementary Music Concert, High School Gym
  • June 1, Thursday, 7pm: First All Band Concert, High School Gym