By Sheila Harley, Island Chapter, American Red Cross

On the eve of this great country’s birthday, it is good to be aware of the heroes who deploy out of the American Red Cross when disaster hits our own people.

During the terrible tornadoes that hit the east in late May, three of Island’s Chapter Red Cross Volunteers deployed to North Carolina, Alabama, and Tennessee for two weeks to assist with helping the victims begin to get their lives back together: Tori Benz-Hillstrom; Ann Bozeman; and Earlene Rothuage.

Tori Benz-Hillstrom, a licensed social worker from San Juan Island, deployed to North Carolina. She dealt with “Disaster Mental Health for survivors and American Red Cross staff “. She says, “Disaster is hard but rewarding and humbling. Anytime you can continually witness human beings at their best is rewarding in and of itself. Disasters bring out the very best in people, whether it’s seeing an individual’s gratefulness for still being alive after they lost everything they own, witness neighbors helping each other with selfless compassion, or continuously being amazed at the love and support that is brought from all over the country to the survivors from the volunteers of the American Red Cross and other organizations.” Tori has just been asked to be a Disaster Health Manager for the Seattle Chapter of the American Red Cross.

Ann Bozeman is an American Red Cross Volunteer from Anacortes. She deployed to Alabama. She was involved with the outreach program in Hamilton. Ann is a Client Case Worker who spent time traveling to the rural areas assessing the needs of the people in outlying areas. She found that most of those who survived, some the only survivors on their street, hid in crawl spaces and bath tubs. She, also, was impressed by the people who cared so much about the welfare of their neighbors, even though their own homes were totally gone. She learned that folks needed to tell their stories to others. That was part of her job. She listened, thereby easing the burden of their despair.

Earlene Rothuage, RN, deployed to work in Memphis. Earlene lives in Friday Harbor, and helps her husband, Arlin, with managing our Islands Red Cross Chapter. She worked at the disaster center in Memphis. It was her first deployment as an RN although she has deployed in different capacities to several other disasters including Hurricane Katrina. She was involved with registered nurses and emergency medical technicians. Earlene says she had a wonderful professional experience with nurses of all ages from all states. She also tells about the many churches in the area who opened up their doors becoming temporary homes for disaster victims.

Three cheers for these dedicated women who worked to share their expertise in helping out their fellow Americans through the American Red Cross. Their jobs were not easy but they all helped out to the level of their experience and MADE A DIFFERENCE.

Most people on the island are unaware that their monetary donations go directly to the American Red Cross in Washington, DC where they are meted out to those Chapters in the country that are in most need. This, to us, is a new way of donating.

If islanders wish to contribute to our own Islands Chapter, they can donate “in kind” This means that one can ask our Chapter Director, Arlin Rothauge, 378-6500, what is needed here on the islands. Then purchase the item and donate it to the Islands Chapter. Of course, donating to the American Red Cross in any form is always most appreciated.

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