The happy flapjack crew at the American Legion pancake breakfast, from left, Kathy Everett, Mel Winsor, Mick Stevens

The happy flapjack crew at the American Legion pancake breakfast, from left, Kathy Everett, Mel Winsor, Mick Stevens and Mike Hedington, Jr.

Sunday, April 28 from 8 a.m. to noon at the American Legion Post

By Diane Baxter

Welcome, sunny smiles greet everyone, (PSA Crew/volunteers Post, Sons-of-the American-Legion, and Women’s Auxiliary)
Tasty, yummy food, (pancakes, eggs, bacon/sausage as you like ‘em, plus coffee and orange juice) served along with  good company, laughter and fun. (plan to join your friends and neighbors)

This is what you can expect from the PSA crew at our 0rcas Post 93 American Legion!

Join us on the last Sunday of each month from 8 am. until noon.