Orcas Center invites its audience to come together in honor of Ukraine with this specially designed program by Powell Flutes Artist Amelia Lukas. Experience the impressive range and beauty of this family of instruments as Lukas takes center stage with a timely tour de force program of music for solo flute, piccolo, alto flute, bass flute, and electronics: Natural Homeland – Honoring Ukraine on Saturday, March 26 at 7pm.

Lukas, of Ukrainian heritage, will explore the meaning of “home” and our place in the world, especially in light of current events. A diverse and gorgeous array of music will weave together stories of natural and human disaster, political unrest and displacement, but also of hope and inner sanctuary. Lukas’ impressive career includes recitals at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, The Stone, and recent solo engagements with Chamber Music Northwest, Fear No Music, March Music Moderne, Cascadia Composers, Portland Taiko, the Astoria Music Festival, Music in the Woods, and for All Classical Portland’s live radio broadcasts. Learn more at amelialukas.com.

A uniquely arranged version of the haunting Ukrainian folk song Plyve Kacha sets the tone for the evening. This is a reflective, restorative and important program that draws expansive connections around ideas of shelter, belonging, and freedom, all offered through Lukas’ riveting performance, which conveys a “fine balance of virtuosity and poetry.” (The New York Times) The scope of extended techniques and global palette of sounds featured in these works is stunning, and rarely heard on the concert stage.

Accompanying her on the stage for the penultimate piece, I Will Not Be Sad In This World, is local choreographer Tiffany Loney – also of Ukrainian descent – who has created an original dance performance specifically for this event. Says Lukas, “In times like these where we can feel so disconnected from the world, I am grateful to be able to share a small part of my ancestry and artistry with the Orcas Island community.”

Natural Homeland – Honoring Ukraine will run at Orcas Center on Saturday, March 26 at 7pm. Advanced ticket sales only – No door sales. Ticket prices range from $15-$47. COVID precautions will be followed, call 360-376-2281 ext 1, or visit www.orcascenter.org for tickets and more information.

A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to the Ukrainian Red Cross.