Don’t forget to turn your clocks back an hour on Saturday night as Standard Time goes into effect!

Friday, Oct. 30

Veterans’ Advisory Board meets in Friday Harbor, 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the Legislative Building.

Rollerskating in Costume at the Orcas School “Old” Gym, 6 p.m. beginning skaters, 7 p.m. all skate. $2 per person includes skate rentals. Sponsored by teh PTSA.

Saturday, Oct. 31 – Don’t forget to turn your clocks back an hour on Saturday night as Standard Time goes into effect!

Halloween Events

  • Pawki’s Howl-o-Ween Get your picture taken with your pet, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 376-3648
  • Emmanuel Parish Labyrinth Walk at Emmanuel Church Parish Hall. For adults only from 4 to 5 p.m. Costumed children and all ages are welcome from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Soup and cider will be served after 5 p.m.
  • Library Book Trick or Treat Kids can show off their Halloween costumes and trick-or-treat for a book on between 4 and 6pm.  Come in and pick out a book and have your picture taken.  The Orcas Island Library is located at 500 Rose Street.   The main part of the Library will observe the usual Saturday closing time of 5 p.m. with Trick-or-Treat for Books continuing until 6 p.m. in the Library meeting room
  • Odd Fellows Monster Movie Forbidden Planet and Halloween Dance A free monster movie ,“Forbidden Planet,” will be shown at 6:15 pm.  The movie is a Sci-Fi classic, with special effects by Disney, and a script based on Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”
    The dance will feature Orcas bands The Orcas Horns and Island Roots Collective.  The music will be and infectious danceable blend of world beat, funk, soul, hip-hop and rock rhythms.

    On a second stage, music will also be provided by with DJs Bruce Pavitt and Charly.  Video DJ Jyoti has prepared an exotic scary mix of pictures and video that will be projected on the halls movie screen.
    All proceeds from the dance go to benefit the Odd Fellows Scholarship fund.

  • Bayside’s Annual Halloween Bash – S&M’s Dance and Karaoke.Costume Prizes and a surprise raffle prize at midnight . Over 21 only Legal ID and verifcation required. No cover charge.
  • rocky2

  • The Rocky Horror Picture Show – One night only as Seaview Theater. Saturday, 31st, 10:15pm

Sunday, Nov.1 – Did you forget to turn your clocks back an hour on Saturday night? Standard Time has gone into effect! It’s earlier than you think…

Book Lovers Fair at the Odd Fellows Hall from 5 to 7 p.m. Book Trade for coupons and/or good will. Browse through favorite books, kibbitz with fellow book lovers, nibble on cookies, sip on tea and hear Sparks, Michele Griskey-Watson and Antoinette Botsford give 10-minute insights into the love of books for all ages, celebrating Family Literacy Month. Call 317-7518 for further information.