Impatient for a coronavirus vaccine, dozens of scientists around the world are giving themselves — and sometimes, friends, family, or San Juan Island’s mayor — their own unproven versions.
— from New York Times —

In April, more than three months before any coronavirus vaccine would enter large clinical trials, the mayor of a picturesque island town in the Pacific Northwest invited a microbiologist friend to vaccinate him.
The exchange occurred on the mayor’s Facebook page, to the horror of several Friday Harbor residents following it.
“Should I pop up and get your vaccine started?????,” wrote Johnny Stine, who runs North Coast Biologics, a Seattle biotech company with a focus on antibodies. “Don’t worry — I’m immune — I have boosted myself five times with my vaccine.”
“Sounds good,” Farhad Ghatan, the mayor, wrote after a few follow-up questions.
Several residents interjected skepticism in the exchange. They were swatted down by the mayor, who defended his friend of 25 years as a “pharmaceutical scientist on the forefront.” When residents raised additional concerns — about Mr. Stine’s credentials and the unfairness of encouraging him to visit San Juan Island despite travel restrictions — Mr. Stine lobbed back vulgar insults. (The geekiest and least R-rated: “I hope your lung epithelial cells over express ACE2 so you die more expeditiously from nCoV19.”)

Several residents reported all of this to a variety of law enforcement and regulatory agencies. In June, the Washington attorney general filed a lawsuit against Mr. Stine not only for pitching the mayor with unsupported claims, but also for administering his unproven vaccine to about 30 people, charging each $400. In May, the Food and Drug Administration sent a letter warning Mr. Stine to stop “misleadingly” representing his product.
Although his promotional tactics were unusual, Mr. Stine was far from the only scientist creating experimental coronavirus vaccines for themselves, family, friends and other interested parties. Dozens of scientists around the world have done it, with wildly varying methods, affiliations and claims.
The most impressively credentialed effort is the Rapid Deployment Vaccine Collaborative, or RaDVaC, which boasts the famous Harvard geneticist George Church among its 23 listed collaborators. (The research, however, is not happening on Harvard’s campus: “While professor Church’s lab works on a number of Covid-19 research projects, he has assured Harvard Medical School that work related to the RaDVaC vaccine is not being done in his lab,” a spokeswoman for Harvard Medical School said.)
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I sure wouldn’t want a physician who publicly wishes other people die to be inoculating me. Bad choice, Mr Mayor.