— by Michèle Griskey —

Orcas Summer Theater Arts Camp participants had the unique opportunity to work with Paul Snider, a singer/songwriter/actor from Vancouver, who also builds musical instruments from junk. Snider shared his experience with the campers at a master class at Orcas Center on Thursday. He was inspired to create instruments after a trip to Kenya where he was impressed with the wealth of recycling he observed. He wanted to see if he could create musical instruments out of junk. He turned his garage into a workshop and started making instruments.

After he created the instruments, he put together an orchestra and a successful travelling stage show, “The Music of Junk.” He noted that “people are really interested in why things make sounds and how they work together.” When Leslie Liddle saw the show on a trip to Vancouver, she was so impressed with the performance, she wanted Snider to come to Orcas. She stated that she’d love to see a future Orcas Island version of a junk orchestra.

The students worked with Snider and played some simple but impressive instruments, including bucket drums, a xylophone of wooden planks, wine glasses with water, a PVC pipe flute, and a trumpet made from a garden hose and funnel.

Snider presented a slide show and video of highlights from “The Music of Junk,” which features talented musicians and innovative instruments, such as a cello created from a tin garbage can, a guitar made from a wooden sled, a harp from a bed frame, a bagpipe-like instrument with balloons, and the front of a car as a drum. Snider reminded the campers that beating their parents’ cars with a drum sticks is probably not advisable. The show also included two vocalists who sang about junk.

Beyond the obvious practicality of taking trash and turning it into something worthwhile, campers were treated to inspiration as well. Snider reminded them that they can approach life with either a “one day or day one” view. He explained how he thought that one day he would create an orchestra out of junk, but when he finally set his mind to do it, he was able to create his successful show and share his success with others.

The campers made some of their own junk instruments and will be playing these as part of their performance on Friday, June 30 at 3:30 p.m. at Orcas Center. The performance will also include the singing, dancing, and acting they have worked on this week. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The performance of the full cast of campers will be performed on Friday, June 30 at 3:30 p.m. on Center Stage and is also open to the public.