From Jacqueline Kempfer

One of the pieces being shown at The Sea Around Us

One of the pieces being shown at The Sea Around Us

The public is invited to view THE NAUTICAL EXHIBIT at the Orcas Island Senior Center. The exhibit includes lovely ship’s models, etchings, paintings, and nautical brass work.

Four Winds Camp, the Scottish Coastline, and Grand Cayman Island are just a few of the locations represented in these maritime contributions from Joyce Burghardt, Jack Titus, Joan Fletcher, Jack Hesell, Mac and Barbara Trunkey, Mike Douglas, Marj Franke and Jacqueline Kempfer.

The exhibit will run from July 2nd through July 26th in the Betty Lundeen Room. The Senior Center is located at 62 Henry Road in Eastsound and is open Monday through Friday from 9a.m. to 4 p.m.