— from Capt. Mike Nortier, NAS Whidbey Commanding Officer —

With the official scoping public comment period for the U.S. Navy Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the EA-18G Growler Airfield Operations at Naval Air Station (NAS) Whidbey Island now complete, I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss how the EIS will progress.

Over the next 16-18 months, Navy officials and subject matter experts involved in developing the EIS will conduct a thorough analysis of the potential environmental impacts of the proposed action, including an examination of issues and concerns identified during the public scoping process. The EIS will also include a comprehensive noise assessment of NAS Whidbey Island and OLF Coupeville operations, including potential health impacts based on a thorough literature review.

Following this analytical process, the Navy will release a Draft EIS for additional public comment. The Draft EIS will summarize the themes of all scoping comments received and explain how public concerns were addressed.

The Draft EIS is scheduled to be completed and published in the late spring or early summer of 2016. The Navy will again host a series of public meetings on the Draft EIS, affording the public with additional opportunities to participate in the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and to comment on the Draft EIS. The Final EIS is expected to be published in the spring of 2017 and will contain written responses to public comments received on the Draft EIS. A Record of Decision on the Final EIS is expected in 2017 and will specify any changes to current Growler operations at NAS Whidbey Island. Until then, you should expect Growler operations to remain consistent with the analyses in Environmental Assessments completed in 2005 and 2012 (available at www.whidbeyeis.com).

The EA-18G EIS public website (www.whidbeyEIS.com) will be updated periodically throughout the EIS process. The website contains public announcements and electronic versions of public information such as the Draft EIS, when it is available.

We hope this information is helpful. The Navy prides itself on being a good steward of the environment and strives to keep the public informed of our activities.

For factual information regarding the Navy’s activities in the Pacific Northwest, please visit the NAS Whidbey Island website.

Please contact the Navy at 360-257-2286 if you have questions about Navy activities in the Pacific Northwest at 360-257-2286, or you can also contact us at email us at whdb_naswi_pao@navy.mil. We are happy to answer questions and would encourage folks to learn the facts.