Every student in Mathew Chasanoff’s class created a bird which was then incorporated into this colorful collage with the help of Michele deLong.

By Madie Murray

When kids are left to their imagination — nudged by a little help from a professional — some of the most delightful creations occur.

“Party Birds by the Sea” created by Mathew Chasanoff’s Kindergarten students for the Food for Thought Benefit this Saturday night is a perfect example.   Orcas jewelry designer and artist Michele deLong generously gave her time to work side by side with the kids for many hours to imagine and create this delightful masterpiece.

Artist Marguerite Greening helped inspire the creation of this mailbox by Marny Gaylord’s 4th grade class pictured here with student artists Lilia Greening, Maya Heikkinen and Arla Sutton.

This is just one of the many original student art items from stepping stones to mailboxes, mobiles to bubble bath and everything in between that will be available at the OIEF Picnic and Barbeque by the Sea at Four Winds Camp from 6 to 9 p.m. Saturday, May 26, celebrating student art – all relating to the ocean and seashore in some way.  Lots of food, great music and good weather is promised by OIEF for guests to enjoy at a very reasonable price.  All monies raised support our public school programs and student scholarships.

Tickets are just $40 for individual and $75 for couple for this casual, creative and comfortable event.  They can be acquired at Darvill’s, the Elementary School Office or online at www.oief.org/events.html.  You can even take a free bus ride from the school to the camp by calling Cathy Ferran at 376-5000 ext. 0, and free childcare will be provided at the Camp by calling Barbara Skotte at 397-3930.