Wednesday, Oct. 5 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center

From the Orcas Sub-unit, League of Women Voters of the San Juans

What would your answers be to the following questions?

As a public service, the League of Women Voters (LWV), a nonpartisan political group founded 80 years ago when U.S. women were given the right to vote, holds election forums to inform the public on candidates and issues.

Your attendance is encouraged at the LWV Election Forum at the Orcas Senior Center tonight at 5 p.m. Lisa Byers will be moderating discussion among the audience and candidates for contested positions and spokespersons for and against the following propositions:

San Juan County Proposition #1

Do you approve of extending the ” real estate excise tax paid by the purchaser, in the amount of one percent of the purchase price, for an additional 12 years, through December 5, 2026, to be used by the Land Bank for the acquisition and maintenance of conservation areas“?
Yes or No?

San Juan County Proposition #2 

Do you approve of “a solid waste user charge for a period of 15 years upon real property in its unincorporated areas in proportion with its calculated burden of solid waste to fund current and future maintenance and operations, including operational and capital reserves and capital needs of the County system of solid waste disposal, and debt service?”
Yes or No?

Orcas School District Proposition #1

Do you approve of a capital levy  in the approximate amount of 28 cents per $1,000 property valuation for one year to repay “the principal due on the bonds issued by the District for certain renovations” to the Elementary School?
Yes or No?


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