By Gretchen Krampf

In a nurturing space, through song, silence, story and systemic constellations, Lisa Iversen MSW, LCSW, and Gretchen Krampf, MSOD, PCC, invite you to join them at Fincayra, a beautiful retreat setting by the sea in Bellingham, for an insightful day full of heart and meaning.

“The Daughter Dialogues” is a one dayWomen’s Retreat that is designed to incorporate times of quiet reflection, personal growth, systemic family constellations, laughter, and the camaraderie of other extraordinary women.

Saturday, October 16th, from 10 AM until 6 PM, with lunch included for $95.00.  Space is limited and registration is available online at .  For more information, call Gretchen at 360-317-8220.

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