— from Julie Duke, Executive Director, Wolf Hollow Wildlife Rehabilitation Center —

If you haven’t heard, we unfortunately had to cancel the Bite of Orcas, scheduled for this upcoming Saturday, the 23rd. It was to be the 20th anniversary of the event.

We were unable to get enough restaurants to participate this year, they all said they were to understaffed to take on the extra commitment. We are hoping to reschedule it at the end of summer, perhaps the weekend after Labor Day, when restaurants have said they will have more staff. So, if you would like to let people know there will be no big tent of food and wine/beer after the pet parade that would be great.

This has been very difficult for us, as it is our only large event on Orcas, and, as I said, it was to be the 20th Anniversary, but we completely sympathize with the restaurants. The proceeds are much needed for us this time of year, baby season, when we have so many mouths (and beaks) to feed.