— from Dottie Cornelius —

For nine years, team Island Girls has represented Orcas Island in the Susan G. Komen 3-Day, 60-mile walk in Seattle. Each team member is required to raise $2,300.

Team captain, Dottie Cornelius says, “While some think this to be a very high standard, the truth is, we want to raise money. It is a challenge, but without donations the progress being made toward treatments and financial help for those underserved would be impossible. Some team members have not met their fundraising minimum, and we are asking for your help by donating to one or more of the participants whose donation links are at the bottom of this article. “

Each person has their own, personal reason for returning year after year, but all walk for our community. They carry a banner with over 40 names representing women and men on Orcas who are survivors and ones who have passed from breast cancer. For team captain, Dottie Cornelius, this disease has touched her on many levels. She has friends who have had breast cancer and some who are waiting for cures. She has two cousins and three aunts who have had breast cancer, both of her sisters have been through breast cancer treatment and she, herself, was diagnosed in 2014. This is her 9th walk and she is committed to raise money until cancer is met with a cure that is gentle and final.

Please consider donating to the Island Girls on behalf to Susan G. Komen by clicking on one or more of the team members donations sites below. As of this date, they are approximately $5,000 dollars short.

Heather Jellerson: www.the3day.org/goto/hjellerson2017
Judi Madan: www.the3day.org/goto/judimadan
Tammie Young: www.the3day.org/goto/tyoung