Garden sharing, privately-owned cell towers, a roving garden party, assisted living, gardens on wheels, and saving seeds are but a few of the ideas springing from the fertile minds of Sustainable Orcas Island, a local “think tank” which will hold its monthly meeting today from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Orcas Island Public Library on Rose Street in Eastsound.

Phil Heikkinen, a member of the group and the Executive Director of the Library, recently reviewed some of the topics discussed, and available contacts and resources from previous meetings.

  • Dan Borman asking for contact information for people interested in seed propagation, both for testing and production. His email address is
  • Bob Connell sought  input for the EPRC (Eastsound Planning Review Committee) about a possible EPA study in the Eastsound area. For example, it could have something to do with storm water runoff or sea water pollution. His email address is
  • Anji Ringzin talked about the transition towns idea (we have books on it at the Orcas Island Public Library). The URL for Transition US is: One of the concepts they are working on is “the great reskilling” for a post-peak world.
  • Nancy Koenig talked about the idea of setting up an assisted living location.
  • Mikial Denker wants to hear stories of sustainability successes, and about overcoming economic depression with positive attitudes. His email address is
  • Rick Hendrickson invited people to see his garden, and wants to set up a roving garden party. His email address is
  • Phil Heikkinen about David Duhon’s One Circle book about the types and quantities of plants needed to provide adequate calories and protein for most people. It is available via
  • Phil Heikkinen shared a graph (“Our Energy Future”) from David Holmgren’s website showing his idea of four possible scenarios after our civilization passes peak oil (which many people theorize happened in 2008).
  • The link to the internet “Whole Islands Catalog” was posted: The group discussed developing an online bulletin board on the Whole Islands Catalog as well as in physical locations around town. There could be a freeshare or freecycle component.
  • Dan Borman talked about the Whatcom County garden share idea, and development there of a center for local self-reliance. He said he would produce for SOI a handout based on David Duhon’s ideas about how to grow enough food in 1000 square feet to feed one adult for a year. He also talked about researching which types of wheats and other grains will be most productive in our area.
  • Perri Gibbons and Patrick Bennett talked about the importance of saving seeds and growing productive gardens. Patrick reinforced the idea of a roving garden work party.
  • Sharon Abreu and Mike Hurwicz shared information about their mini-garden on wheels, which can move indoors or outdoors as weather permits. Sharon’s email address is
  • Carolyn O’Day suggested forming a group of people sharing ideas about growing in rocky locations.
  • Rick Hendrickson asked people’s opinions about a local telecom system and/or owning our own cell towers.
  • Marlia Starwater  is available to help people garden. Her email address is
  • Bob Connell mentioned the ARC (Agricultural Resources Committee), an important San Juan County resource for free onsite consulting. Information is available online at: .

Today’s meeting will follow up priorities such as seeds and production gardening,and will recap the Sustainable Living Fair, among other issues.

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