Second Wednesday of the month

— from Beth Jenson —

quirkykidOn behalf of the Funhouse, I’d like to let you and other parents know of a new support group I’m starting this fall for parents of “quirky” kids.  It is a free support group for self-identifying parents of kids who have “quirks,” another way of saying that they might be dealing with different behaviors that commonly occur with with ASD, ADHD, ODD, OCD, LD, twice-exceptional, and other differences.

It’s free, it’s drop in (no registration necessary), and for parents of kids of all ages, from preschool through high school.  It’s not at all about diagnosis, but about what it is like to be you… the parent of a kiddo who not everyone “gets.”

This is currently a once-a-month support group on the second Wednesdays of the month. Prior to coming to the island, I did a similar free group for parents of kids with Autism, and it was really successful — running weekly for almost 6 years.   I hope this group will have the same success in reducing the feelings of isolation of parents raising kids that are “out of the box” and increasing awareness the joys and challenges of raising quirky kids.