If you haven’t met Nikki Ames or been in her clothing shop, Très Fabu, now’s your chance. After 24 years of being an island institution on the main drag in Eastsound, it’s all winding down – this is her shop’s final month. Make sure to go in – Nikki exudes peacefulness and positivity, and her shop is so cute and aesthetically pleasing. 

How did you decide to open your shop 24 years ago?

Très Fabu started in 1995 as a hat shop under the stairs of Christina’s restaurant. I had been making hats for 3 years for other boutiques before I opened there, and met Robin Woodward at Darvill’s during that time. When she bought the cottage and had it refurbished, she invited me to move my business there, and after a bit of deliberation about expanding I accepted her offer. I opened there in October 1998.

Have you always enjoyed clothing and fashion?

I shopped at thrift stores when I was younger, although I was a tomboy and also loved vintage, but was never really into “fashion” or trends all that much. Only when I started making hats did I discover a love of clothing, but my own personal style has evolved over the years. I’ve shopped for Très Fabu as I would shop for myself – just choosing what I loved, and over the years, developing a style that resonated with our customers. I suspect I’ll revert to tomboy clothes as I spend more time in my garden!

What has been the most challenging part of having Très Fabu?

Keeping my wish list within my so-called “budget!” There is always the risk of overbuying, and over the years I got much better at editing my orders. I’d be the first to admit that I always made mistakes, but somehow, we sold everything. (Well, that and being an introvert in a very social business.)

What have been the most rewarding aspects?

Working with the Shopgirls over the years has been such an unexpected gift – I’ve loved working with these women, and we’ve grown to support and care about each other in many more ways than just working together. And the women who have become friends over the years – it’s always about the people! It’s such a pleasure to see a familiar face coming through the door, sometimes after years have gone by, and sometimes every week or two. A lot of our customers have grown up with us the last 20-odd years, and we’ve grown to love many of them. 

I learned from chatting with you that Très Fabu is more than just a clothing store for many island women. Tell readers why that is.

Très Fabu is part clothing store and part social salon. Our First Friday parties have been a regular gathering event for many years (although COVID put a crimp in that recently). It’s been great fun to catch up with the locals and have a cupcake and a glass of Prosecco while visiting and shopping among friends, and meeting new ones.

What have been some of the joyful surprises you didn’t expect in daily life at your shop?

I came to realize that I’m a part of a community family, when I always felt like an outsider. Seeing people on a fairly regular basis and getting to know them has been the best part of Très Fabu! I guess 32 years on Orcas can get under your skin! I also love helping women feel good in their choices of clothing, as we all deserve to feel good about ourselves, and clothing can help define who we are.  

When you think about all the bright spots of this journey, is there a particular day or moment that comes to mind?

I helped a transgender woman in her 70s build a wardrobe for a cruise a few years ago. She was with her family, and her wife and daughters were so supportive; it was really a sweet and special time.

You are ending this journey on a beautiful note, with discounts for people as well as donations to the community. Will you explain?

I’m a huge supporter of OPAL, and wouldn’t still be here if we didn’t have an OPAL home, so this next (and final) First Friday we’ll donate 100% of proceeds to them. And OCRC does a huge service to islanders in need, so any store credits or gift certificates leftover when we close will be donated to them. I know I already have enough, and want to help others who may be in need. And it always feels good!

Is this journey’s end a happy one?

Yes, it’s a very happy ending for us, and also bittersweet. I’m grateful to have had such a wonderful experience doing business and living on Orcas.  

Are your creative juices flowing about another project after Très Fabu?

No new projects in the works yet, but the creative juices are always flowing, even though it may take some time for anything to be revealed!

There will be a 10% discount the first week of November, a 20% discount the second, a 30% discount the third, and a 40% discount the fourth. On Thanksgiving weekend, Nikki will have a 75% discount. If I were you, I’d go earlier than that, though, to enjoy Nikki and the place before everything’s gone (Monday – Saturday, 11-4, 238 North Beach Road).

(The snow photo of Très Fabu is from January of 2020 – it’s one of my favorite Orcas Island snow photos.)

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