KindlingsFest comes once again to Orcas Island this July

KindlingsFest 2010 Registration is  Open

Pastor Dick Staub of the Orcas Island Community Church has issued an invitation to enjoy a few days this summer the third year of  KindlingsFest, an event inspired by British author C.S. Lewis of The Chronicles of Narnia and the social group, Inklings

Staub says, “In just three years, [KindlingsFest] has become a favored gathering of thoughtful, creatives for whom God is of central importance. KindlingsFest uniquely integrates the spiritual, intellectual and creative in satisfying ways.”

This summer, KindlingsFest takes place July 14 through 17. The theme is”Friends for the Journey,” with speakers and artists:

  • Poet Luci Shaw (on her friendship with Madeleine L’Engle);
  • Dr. Hal Poe (on the Inklings);
  • Dr. Jeff Keuss, youth culture guru, (on “iPod, YouTube, WiiFit – friendship through the eyes of Emerging Adults”;
  • Actor and arts advocate Nigel Goodwin.
  • Dr. Jerry Root will present devotions each morning with composer, singer and songwriter Jeff Johnson. Singer/songwriter-in-residence Bob Bennett and artist-in-residence Kathy Hastings will be featured at the summer event.

    Registrations can be made at

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