Crowd-waving preceded the dancing as the Orcas Rec benefit concert began at the Village Green on Saturday

Updated Aug. 30

The “Cherry Cherry Band” regaled Orcas Islanders with a Neil Diamond-style concert on the Stage at the Village Green on Saturday late afternoon.

While many concert-goers brought their own chairs, most were up and swaying, rocking, dancing or jumping to the music.

The band came from Seattle at no charge, in order that the Orcas Rec program could derive the most benefit from the donations. Linda Sheridan, Orcas Rec Coordinator, was pleased with the turnout and the donations, which totaled around $1,000.

"Acrobatic" father-son dancing at the "Cherry Cherry Band" benefit for Orcas Rec

Along with lead singer Steve Kelly leading Neil Diamond favorites “Sweet Caroline,” “Cracklin’ Rosie,” “I Am, I Said,” the band played rock-era and funk favorites, “Under the Boardwalk,” and “Play that Funky Music, White Boy.” Couples slow-danced to the Boys Town anthem, “He Ain’t Heavy — He’s My Brother.”

A craft table was set up to make necklaces and other adornments, while kids tripped barefoot through the crowd, tossed balls around, climbed over each other, nibbled on ice cones, pizza and other treats provided by local vendors, (also to benefit Orcas Rec), or occasionally circulated with donation canisters during the show.

Some sat under the apple trees for shade in the warm summer afternoon, and one toddler amused himself in preparation for the coming fall soccer season. One woman commented, “Watching the kids, that’s the real show.” In the words of Neil Diamond, “Good times never felt so good.”

Dancin' and chillin' under the apple trees on the Village Green

The show closed with Neil Diamond classics, “Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show,” (“Hot August Night”) and “We’re Coming to America,” before launching into an encore of “Sweet Caroline.”

To donate to the program, whose county funding was completely cut off this year, call  mail donations to PO Box 1644 Eastsound, WA 98245, call  (360)376-5339 or go to

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