From the Orcas Island Community Foundation

Here is some information you may want to know about.  You may receive this from different sources. 


To date, generous donors have given $652,105 to the Emergency Community Response Fund at OICF. This fund has granted $445,200 to island programs providing essential services to ensure all community members have a safe place to shelter, access to food, and other critical supports. OICF does not charge fees, so 100% of contributions go directly to support the community. Donate now to this fund through the OICF website OICF.us 


The Orcas Island School District recognizes that many students and families rely on school to meet their nutritional needs. We also recognize that the Covid-19 outbreak may impact the economic reality for many families who may need assistance. During the state mandated school closure from March 17th to June 19th we will be able to provide lunch and breakfast, free of charge to ALL CHILDREN (of any age, whether that child is in the public school or not), regardless of family income.  Click HERE for more information.


The Orcas mask-sewers are able to provide homemade, free masks to anyone in need. Find them free of charge at Rays Pharmacy, Island Hardware, and through the Orcas Food Co-op catalog.


Commercial members (requires commercial meter and tariff) in need can benefit from the following COVID-19 relief measures through June 30 on a first-come, first-served basis as long as funding lasts:

  • Fee and disconnect waivers
  • Temporarily disconnect meter (no bill during disruption)
  • Waive service access charge (base fee) with EAP-C assistance
  • $25 bill credit with Rock Island (if on EAP-C)
  • Switch it Up! payment deferral

Please see chart online full details or contact OPALCO at (360)376-3500 for more information.  


On May 5, state parks (including Moran), fishing, hunting, and golf re-opened.  It is important to note:

  • Anyone exhibiting any cold or flu-like symptoms shall not participate in outdoor recreation activities.
  • Any state parks, state public lands, hunting and fishing seasons, golf facilities, trails, and other public parks, public lands and trails may be closed at any time if there is reason to believe unsafe conditions exist or social distancing practices are not being adhered to.
  • People must recreate locally: Do not travel farther than necessary and do not stay overnight to recreate.
  • Limit your recreation partners to only those who live within your household unit.
  • Practice social distancing at trailheads, boat launches, and all areas where you encounter others.
  • Utilize facial coverings in any situation where social distancing is not possible.
  • Bring your own food and supplies when possible. This will help protect others in your community.
  • The Golf Alliance of Washington has been working to provide appropriate social distancing and limits on activities. These include spacing out tee times, limits on size of parties, walking-only (unless someone needs to be in the cart for mobility reasons), no on-site beverage or food service (take-away only, just as with other food service) and more.


Are you lost in the maze? A group of island experts has teamed up with Orcas Island Library to help you navigate the various business financial assistance programs.  For small business owners, independent contractors, and sole proprietorships facing a web of confusing information and paperwork while seeking to apply for federal and state financial assistance programs, the team can help.
• Go here to get started: http://www.orcaslibrary.org/SBHelp.html will link to Orcas Small Business Help
• Fill out and submit the form for requesting assistance
• A Library Navigator will contact you to help guide you through the process

Many areas can be addressed like identifying the most appropriate programs, coping with current bottlenecks and constraints, submitting your application, and how to follow through to ensure your application is considered. You will also find answers to frequently asked questions listed on the site.

Developed in conjunction with the Orcas Island Community Foundation (OICF), the Small Business Coronavirus Support Network is free and ready to help today.


SAFE San Juans is a community-based nonprofit agency serving San Juan County residents and visitors who have experienced domestic violence or sexual assault/abuse.

DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is the physical harm, bodily injury, assault, or the infliction of fear of imminent physical harm, bodily injury or assault, sexual assault, or stalking of one intimate partner by another intimate partner; or of one family or household member by another family or household member.

SEXUAL ASSAULT occurs when a person is forced, coerced, or manipulated into any unwanted sexual activity. It is not your fault if someone does this to you.

The SAFE staff personally understand the trauma of domestic violence and/or sexual abuse, and during this COVID-19 crisis they are working hard to keep the agency’s doors open to those who are suffering.  We secured additional office space in order to create a place for clients where appropriate distances can be maintained and surfaces disinfected.  Some of our staff are single parents who wound up having to stay home to care for and homeschool their children.  We created home offices for them so they can continue serving to the best of their ability, confident that however things unfold, we will carry out our mission well. 

If you are suffering from domestic or sexual violence or their longer term effects, please reach out to us at 360-376-5979


People interested in volunteering should continue to be directed to the website: orcas.recovers.org  This website is a place where potential volunteers can post they are available and their interest, and island organizations can post their needs. It’s helpful for volunteers to use the # followed by an interest; e.g. #OPAL; #foodbank; #seniorcheck


1) Home delivered meals are provided to seniors on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Please contact Heidi Bruce with Senior Services at 360-370-0591 or heidib@sanjuanco.com to get signed up for Meals on Wheels.

2) Delivery of essential household goods such as food or medicine is available. Please contact Heidi Bruce with Senior Services at 360-370-0591 or heidib@sanjuanco.com, or call the resource center at 360-376-3184.

3) Orcas Senior Center Hearts and Hands program is extending its reach to address the needs of seniors during this period of prolonged self-isolation and they are in need of volunteers to provide friendly regular check-ins by phone. Please email buddies@orcasseniors.com, call John Slater at (360) 9191-9318, or mention #buddiescheckin on orcas.recovers.org as a volunteer.

If you are a senior and would welcome phone check-ins from a concerned and caring volunteer, go to orcas.recovers.org, email buddies@orcasseniors.com, or call John Slater at (360) 919-9318.


During this COVID-19 emergency: vulnerable persons of any age that need home delivery of essential household goods such as food or medicine can call the resource center or senior services. If you need this assistance, please call Jana Webb at the Orcas Community Resource Center, 360-376-3184, or Heidi Bruce with Senior Services, 360-370-0591.


If you need help paying your rent or mortgage, please fill out the form (available in English and Spanish) at OPAL Community Land Trust’s website:  www.opalclt.org.


Alcoholics Anonymous offers 10 zoom meetings/week, covering every day of the week. Their website is www.orcasislandaa.org. There is a local phone number for info/requests: 360-376-4522.


The Food Bank staff, volunteers and board thank the Orcas community for the wonderful outpouring of support during the Give Orcas campaign. With your help we’re feeding increasing numbers of our island neighbors, offering food sourced from on island as much as we can. Your generosity makes us all so glad and proud to be part of this great community. Thank you!

The Food Bank is open Tuesdays and Fridays, 3:00-6:00 pm. Orcas residents needing food may come both days. The number of visits dropped a bit last week, possibly because more people have received unemployment and stimulus funds. Operations continue to go smoothly, and we have identified some new sources of food that we may be able to utilize if the need occurs. We will be sourcing bread locally through the end of June and produce locally through the summer.


The outbreak of COVID-19 has led many people to feel anxiety, grief and stress. San Juan County has created an online resource guide that includes a variety of substance abuse, mental health, and crisis support services for adults, families and children. The directory also offers resource links for caregiving and advocacy, as well as access to a local network of therapists.

In addition to the county website, a local nonprofit called Thero.org maintains an extensive directory of mental health resources. Their directory includes therapists, clinics, substance abuse treatment centers, crisis lines and organizations that provide advocacy and support. Anyone can search for therapists and clinics that provide telehealth and they are recruiting volunteers to help keep the information updated. To learn how to help the volunteer team or partner with Thero.org send an inquiry to info@thero.org.

To find out more about mental and behavioral health resources available to our county-wide community, visit:  https://www.sanjuanco.com/1697/Resources-for-Mental-Health-Support


Thero.org also has an initiative called the Crisis Therapy Project. It uses their resource directory to connect therapists who are offering free therapy to people who are affected by a crisis (i.e. mass shootings, natural disasters, disease outbreaks). Anyone can search for free therapy for COVID-related stress at thero.org/crisis/COVID. Licensed therapists can learn how to offer free therapy at thero.org/crisis#offerhelp.


Project PAL: OPALCO energy assistance is available for new and current clients who have been impacted by COVID-19. Prior applicants may apply one more time for COVID-related relief, with a maximum award of $100. Access the COVID Relief Form here: www.opalco.com/bill-payment-plan

Census Reminder: Have you completed the 2020 Census yet? Many organizations are awarded federal funding based upon current Census data. The Census may be completed online at 2020census.gov. Customer Service Representatives are also available via phone from 4am-11pm Pacific Time to walk you through the process. English speakers: call 844-330 2020 / Spanish speakers: call 844-468-2020. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete and DOES make a difference when it comes to social service funding.

For more information on our programs and services, call 360-376-3184 or email info@orcascrc.org


Orcas Island Library, www.orcaslibrary.org, remains closed for community health reasons until further notice. Our website offers a variety of resources such as ebooks, e-audiobooks, a wide variety of databases, language learning, streaming movies and other alternatives, all available with your library card number and PIN.

County and State community health directives do not yet permit us to implement any restored services, such as curbside pickup. Until we can, please continue to contact us at 360-376-4985 and leave a voicemail, or email Library Director Phil Heikkinen at pheikkinen@orcaslibrary.org. We will also post updates to our website at www.orcaslibrary.org.

Also, on behalf of the Community Health Initiatives Consortium, the Library administers the San Juan Islands Community Resource Network. From the description on the website: “The San Juan Islands Resource Guide is a central source of information for social, health and community services.

It helps San Juan Islands residents find and connect with local organizations and agencies to help improve their lives. We offer a broad scope of directory listings that range from education, health resources and volunteer opportunities to crisis-oriented needs (food, emergency services, housing and shelter).” 

Currently, it’s available on the www.orcaslibrary.org website, under one of the tabs at the top, Your Library >> Community Information >> Nonprofit Organizations. Also, here’s the direct link: https://sjiscommunityresource.org/