Pastor Dick Staub of the Orcas Island Community Church wrote on his website’s blog ( “staublog”)yesterday:

It is 12º outside ~ a bleak midwinter morning if ever there was one.It is Christmas week and Sunday the fourth candle of advent will be lit at Orcas Island Community Church.I will speak on “Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room,” picking up on the theme of “Joy to the world, the Lord is come.”
Last Monday Mark felt severe pains in his chest and was airlifted off the island for a life-saving surgery removing a cholesterol blockage from an artery. Scary, but the amazing news is on Monday he plans on being back at work baking his scrumptious goodies at his popular coffee shop/bakery.
Wednesday afternoon Jordan went snowboarding and while doing a flip landed wrong on his neck leaving him numb from the neck down. It was a windy, blustery evening and the medical airlift helicopter couldn’t fly in the high winds. A Coast Guard helicopter tried and after one failed attempt at touching down, managed heroically to pick up Jordan and airlift him to Harborview hospital in Seattle.
Emergency medical flights carry only the patient, so Jordan’s mother Rachel and other family members had to wait for the next ferry and make their way on icy, snowy roads to Seattle ~ they arrived in Seattle four hours after Jordan did.
Tests and surgery the next morning revealed that a vertebra in Jordan’s neck was shattered and his spinal cord severed. His chances of walking again are slim.
But never underestimate the power of prayer.
To see Staub’s complete sermon, go to

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