Contributed by Jennie Welch

Faith and Begorrah, and sure we’re all coming to the Olga Potluck for a gala St. Patrick’s Day party on Saturday, March 14th. You’re invited to join the Olga community as we celebrate the Wearing o’ the Green with a bit of the blarney, lively music, fun, great home-cooked food (bring a covered dish, or salad, or dessert), and an interesting program.

Phil Heikkinen, Director of the Orcas Island Public LIbrary, will join Library trustee Tom Welch for an informal discussion of current library issues, some of the future challenges facing the library, and community questions.

Join us at the Olga Community Center at 5:30 PM for our social hour, followed by dinner at 6:30 PM and our program starting at 7:30 PM. Wear something green (creative is good) and be eligible to win a prize for best, most interesting, or most fun accessory, and bring your best Irish limerick to share for the merriment of all.