Sam Hamill, legendary poet and pacifist, at Doe Bay Cafe this Sunday

Doe Bay and SPLAB are proud to host Sam Hamill at this week’s literary salon series, on Sunday, Oct. 31st at 7:30 p.m.

Sam Hamill is the author of more than forty books, including fifteen volumes of original poetry; four collections of literary essays; and some of the most distinguished translations of ancient Chinese and Japanese classics of the last half-century.  He co-founded, and for thirty-two years was editor at, Copper Canyon Press.

He taught in prisons for fourteen years and has worked extensively with battered women and children. An outspoken political pacifist, in 2003, declining an invitation to the White House, he founded Poets Against War, compiling the largest single-theme poetry anthology in history.

Reservations are recommended.  Call the Cafe at 360-376-8059. For more information, go to

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