Martin Lund. Photo courtesy of Margot Shaw

Martin Lund. Photo courtesy of Margot Shaw

Contributed by Donna Laslo

“This I must do, that is, play great Christmas songs for a time of year that is never-ending, a time of giving, of sharing of one’s gifts, talents and offerings to others that just simply makes everyone’s life a bit brighter, more meaningful and reveals the true spirit of Christmas”.

So says musician Martin Lund as he invites all to “The Spirit of Christmas Concert and Sing-A-Long with Martin Lund and Friends.”

The concert will take place Wednesday, December 23rd  at  7:3O p.m. at the Orcas Senior Center. Holiday Treats will be served at a Pre-Show Reception at 7 p.m.

As Christmas Eve nears, gather ‘round the hearth while Martin Lund and guest artist Gene Nery, Grace McCune and The Orcas Horns fill the night with the joyous songs of the season.  In an intimate, festive setting surrounded by a holiday tree, glistening lights and a glowing fireplace, these talented artists will perform your favorite holiday music guaranteed to entertain, inspire and bring you holiday cheer.

The concert will include favorite seasonal selections and traditional Christmas sing-a-longs. This will be an old-fashioned Christmas celebration to be remembered!

The event is being held at The Orcas Senior Center.  Tickets are $15.00 and available at Darvills Bookstore. Limited seating; advance tickets recommended.