Please join us for a special night of poetry  on Fri. Jan. 24 @ 6pm for Caitlin Roach & Jeremy Voigt in conversation moderated by Jill McCabe Johnson.

Caitlin Roach’s (‘Surveille’) queer speaker is on the cusp of motherhood, vacillating between attentiveness and paranoia. Exploring drone strikes, scorpion eradication, bird behavior, mating deer, ICE detainees, and family relationships, Caitlin Roach’s poems stare into and through the truth with a blazing intensity.

Jeremy Voigt’s poems have appeared in Prairie Schooner, Nimrod, Gulf Coast, Post Road, Willow Springs, BPJ, and other magazines. He has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and was runner-up for the 2019 Discovery Poetry Prize.

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