— from Grace McCune —

It’s time for the next series of children and adult choirs! This year I will be teaching the music from Baz Luhrman’s movie musical “Moulin Rouge.” This will be an exciting new adventure for these choirs as we pull together an event that includes in addition to singing, costumes, a set and a dance troupe to accompany us. If you have sung in this choir or have always wanted to sing with a group, this is a great environment for new and experienced singers alike.

The choirs:

Musical Theater Youth Troupe, for ages six to 13, will meet every Thursday afternoon from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. starting Jan. 23 for 14 weeks. (no class Feb. 17 or April 14) The class will learn the songs from “Moulin Rouge:” “Rhythm of the Night” and “Spectacular, Spectacular.” In addition to learning the songs, the Youth Troupe will also learn choreography by Laura Ludwig taught on the same day.

Rock on the Rock Singers will meet every Thursday from 5 to 7 p.m., starting Jan. 23 for 14 weeks. (no class Feb. 17 or April 14) These singers will get to learn a variety of songs from the musical as well as the opportunity to audition for the characters with solos.

Rehearsals for both groups will be held in the Madrona Room at the Orcas Center culminating in a performance as a benefit for Orcas Center held on the main stage on Friday, May 9. The night will include stage direction by Jake Perrine and set design by Deborah Sparks.

To register for either choir class, show up on the day and time of the first rehearsal. There are no auditions. The cost for each choir is $120 for the 14-week series. Payment plans are available. Feel free to email with any questions!

The dance classes:

For teens/adults: Dancers will be accompany the singers for the final performance. Orcas Has Talent winner, Laura Ludwig, famous for her Solstice parade dances, will be choreographing with Kara O’Toole, Executive/Artistic Director of Orcas Center and a former professional dancer.

The duo will be creating dances to augment three songs. The choreography will be performed by the adult and teen students from their 12-week modern dance intensive. Classes will meet on Mondays from Feb. 3 to May 5 (no class Feb. 17 or April 14) from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the Odd Fellows Hall. The cost is $120. To register, show up on the first day of class.

For kids: Taught by Laura Ludwig. This year, she will be holding classes at the Odd Fellows Hall:
Ages 8 to 10: Mondays, 3:20 to 4:20
Ages 11 to 13: Mondays, 4:20 to 5:20
Our session will begin on Monday, February 3 and run through May 5 (no class Feb. 17 or April 14 for school breaks). This twelve week session will cost $120.