— by Margie Doyle —

A sneak peek of the New Exchange, opening Nov. 24. Photo by Danielle Wheeler

“Here we go!”

Tim Blanchard and fellow ORS/The Exchange board members and staff welcomed major supporters and contributors to the raising of the New Exchange building at the Orcas Waste Transfer site.

The new Exchange will officially open on Friday, Nov. 24, with celebrations taking place all Thanksgiving weekend.

Today, (Nov. 16), the new traffic pattern will be observed, and the new Exchange doors will open to the “Tsunami of Stuff” that Exchange has been expecting for the past four years, since the “old” Exchange closed after a fire in 2013.

Now there is a separate “intake” area at the back of the Exchange, and a reservation is in effect for incoming goods. You can make a reservation online, by going to: https://www.exchangeorcas.org/booking-calendar/

But the sneak peek was an opportunity to see the latest development in the 30-year old nonprofit, which now operates the island’s waste transfer operations — at a profit that resulted in the reduction of fees after contracting to take over waste transfer from county operations in 2013.

George Post raises a glass to celebrate the spirit of the Exchange. Photo by Danielle Wheeler

Chair Tim Blanchard greeted the guests, saying “So much is the same and so much is different  — we’ve got a ton of work to do.” He then proposed a toast to George Post, founder and motivator for the original, all-volunteer Exchange in the 1980s.

Post recalled those days, saying, “We’d get aluminum cans, stomp on them, throw them into big bags into the truck, take to the mainland — and we’d get $35!

“That was the beginning, I try to imagine what used to be here and remember what this place looked like.And now people have invested in this place again, this important institution that has so much  vibrancy. The Exchange is going to be even more than it used to be. So I think we should celebrate.

“That’s the thing that makes this island great, the spirit of exchange of energy and stuff and storage — that what makes things happen, and I think it’s going to happen again — so celebrate!”

Much of the final work on the Exchange has been completed by volunteers under Larry Coddington, organized by  Jim Duffield and Cathy Vierthaler — all board members. The need for volunteers continues as operations of the Exchange begins, and there will be Volunteer Orientations, Saturday, Nov 18 at 1 p.m. and Tuesday, Nov 21 at 4 p.m. with a tour the building, policy reviews, filling out paperwork (background check authorization and waiver) and the like.

Back in the good old days. Photo by Ron Glassett

Blanchard addressed the next steps: “Management of the Tsunami starts Nov. 16. As you know, there’s a range of things we’re not going to be able to take. But never fear, we’ll figure out what to do with those things, they just won’t be coming through this door.

“If you’ve got ideas (I almost hate to ask this), let us know, and we’ll try to figure out if there’s something we can do. Don’t worry about [suggesting you’re idea, it might work. And also, don’t be offended if we don’t use your ideas, we’ll definitely consider them.”

Contact ORS/The Exchange at exchangeorcas.org for more information, to volunteer or contribute.