We’re here for you!

 ||| from Arden Ainley for Skagit Valley College 

We’re Here for You! Skagit Valley College is pleased to announce that we are offering you many new options for Fall Quarter taught by our trained, experienced online instructors. Classes start Tuesday, September 22 and registration is going on now! It’s not too late to apply! For more information about getting started, courses and programs, financial aid, and the many supports we offer, visit our Guide to Fall.

Classes will be mostly online, but we will offer some face-to-face opportunities, including some of our science and workforce labs, plus lots of support to help you be successful.

What’s next in your life? If it’s a new career, our Workforce programs are designed to keep your degree on track and prepare you for employment. Welding, and the programs below, will include hands- on learning experiences, with safety protocols in place:

o Automotive Technology
o Composites Technology
o Craft Brewing
o Culinary Arts
o Diesel Power Technology
o Fire Science
o Manufacturing Technology
o Marine Maintenance Technology
o Medical Assistant
o Nursing – Pre-Nursing Lab, Clinicals
o Park Ranger Law Enforcement Academy
o Pharmacy Technician
o Welding Technology

Financial Aid, Scholarships, Emergency Funding and Laptop Loans are available. Visit our Guide to Fall.