State Senator Manka Dhingra

The next meeting of the San Juan County Democrats is scheduled for 10:00 AM on Saturday, Sept. 9, on Zoom.  The highlight will be an appearance by State Senator Manka Dhingra, who is running for State Attorney General.  (You will remember that current AG Bob Ferguson is running for governor.)  We also plan to have our State Representative Debra Lekanoff present, and she will introduce Sen. Dhingra.   

Here is the Zoom information to attend the meeting:

Meeting ID: 890 9078 6852
Passcode: 43udwvOne tap mobile
+12532050468,,89090786852#,,,,*228803# US
+12532158782,,89090786852#,,,,*228803# US (Tacoma)   

That same morning Rep. Lekanoff will be holding a coffee at Tide Pool Coffeehouse in Eastsound on Orcas Island between 8:30 and 9:30.  This will be a great opportunity to bring issues of concern to Rep. Lekanoff, who strives to stay in touch with her constituents.  Please come out and join Rep. Lekanoff, my wife Geri, and myself at Tide Pool this Saturday morning.