||| from Chuck Dalldorf for San Juan Island Fire & Rescue |||

This time, it wasn’t the stork who made the middle of the night call to assist two pregnant mothers. Just before 3:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 13, pagers beeped throughout San Juan Island announcing an urgent need for a San Juan Island Fire and Rescue fire boat crew and San Juan Island EMS to assist two mothers, in very active labor on two different islands – one on San Juan Island and one on Orcas Island.

Air transport options were denied due to a combination of resource limitations, environmental conditions, and mechanical issues and with our two islands’ mothers desperately needing transport to Island Hospital, SJIF&R Fire Boat Sentinel was the only available option. The fire boat has radar, forward-looking infrared radar (FLIR) and marine automatic identification system (AIS) to assist with safely navigating in limited visibility operations.

The first patient was transported to the Port of Friday Harbor, where she was able to walk onto Fire Boat Sentinel. She was safely secured and the crews made their way to Orcas Island. At Orcas Island the second patient, who showed signs she was imminently about to give birth, was able to walk aboard the vessel. The onboard medical team prepared to deliver the baby.

While the fire boat was on its way to Anacortes, one patient gave birth aboard the vessel while navigating through Thatcher Pass. The boat continued with their new, healthy passenger and arrived at Cap Sante Marina in Anacortes where they were met by the Anacortes Fire Department.

Both patients and the new born baby were rushed to Island Hospital. Upon arrival, the second patient also delivered her baby.

SJIF&R and SJIEMS crews sanitized the vessel and were able to take on needed coffee and muffins for the return trip to Friday Harbor.