From Stan Matthews
County Interim Information Technology Manager

At a special session on Monday, April 22, the San Juan County Council will begin work on streamlining government processes and regulations, and it is asking for input from the public.

The Council adopted code simplification and process streamlining as two of its 2013 goals. It expects that pursuing the goals of making government operations more economical and easier for the public to understand will be an ongoing effort.

Elected officials and County department heads are putting their own thoughts together, but the Council wants the County’s customers to provide the initial input about where changes need to be made, and how problems and inefficiencies can be dealt with.

With this input, along with the comments from the Community Conversation, this Council and future Councils will set goals and develop work plans to begin streamlining the County’s government.

The discussion, with public input, is scheduled to begin at 10:45 a.m. on Monday, April 22, in the Legislative Hearing Room, 55 Second Street in Friday Harbor.