Orcas Islanders are invited to raise their voices in song in a Climate Change Sing-Along to Stop Global Warming next Saturday,  October 24, at 4:30 p.m.  at the Odd Fellows Hall .

Sharon Abreu, organizer of the event as part of the International Day of Climate Action and Executive Director of Irthlingz Arts-Based Environmental Education, says, “Our event on Orcas Island is an official part of the International Day of Climate Action coordinated by 350.org, a nonprofit organization started by renowned environmentalist Bill McKibben, to give voice to communities around the world to help solve the climate crisis.

“The webpage for our event is: 350.org/node/5443 – On this page you can R.S.V.P. that you’ll come sing with us on October 24!

So many people in our community love to sing, whether in a chorus or in the shower! What better use of our voices than singing to preserve the planet we love and cherish as home for ourselves, our kids, their kids and THEIR kids!”

Participants in the Sing-Along rperfrom one short song called “The Balance” from the climate change musical Penguins on Thin Ice. To access the song and lyrics, go to: PenguinsOnThinIce.com

Under “Songs” click on “The Balance.”

“Don’t worry about the harmony part you’ll hear on the recording,” says Abreu. “Just sing the melody, unless you want to sing the harmony, which you’re welcome to do.”

For further information about the song, call  Sharon Abreu at (360) 376-5773 or send an email to sharmuse@gmail.com.

On Saturday October 24 at 4:30 pm, singers will meet at the Odd Fellows Hall, run through the song a couple of times and then videotape it. Realizing that it may be cold or rainy that day, there will be warm cider for everyone, even if the numbers spill outside.  Abreu says, “We’ll videotape everyone, inside and outside the hall!  The video will be posted on the 350.org website to be seen by people around the world!”

Abreu requests that interested singers R.S.V.P. that you’ll be participating in the event on the official 350.org webpage at:


She says, “Ideally, we will have 350 people singing together, so please spread the word!”

Why 350? Abreu explains:

350 parts-per-million of carbon dioxide is the maximum safe level we can have in our atmosphere. When the number goes above 350, it creates instability in the atmosphere, resulting in the warming of the planet and global climate change. Right now the level in our atmosphere is 397 part-per-million.

350.org will deliver our messages to the media and world leaders. Together, we can show our world and its decision-makers just how big, beautiful, and unified the climate movement really is. All our messages together will send one very loud message to all the governments that will meet at the United Nations Climate Meeting taking place in Copenhagen, Denmark in early December this year.

Exceeding 350 ppm doesn’t mean we’re all doomed. We’re like the patient that goes to the doctor and learns he’s overweight or his cholesterol is too high. If he changes his lifestyle and gets healthier, he greatly reduces his risk of heart attack or stroke. The planet is in its danger zone because we’ve poured too much carbon into the atmosphere, and we’re starting to see signs of real trouble, so we need to help our planet get healthier.

Our country has been putting more CO2 in the atmosphere than any other country for decades, leading the industrialized world in per capita emissions. We not only need to speak to this, we need to SING to it, with our voices strong!

Our event will:

  • Lift public awareness on the need for an international climate treaty to reach the goal of 350 ppm
  • Assemble a coalition of hundreds of organizations committed to this vision of a more sustainable world
  • Connect us with others in our community and across the planet who are building this movement
  • Leverage the Day of Action for meaningful political change on this critical issue by creating an international grassroots movement to hold our leaders accountable to the latest climate science, so we can start the win-win global transformation we need to preserve a healthy, vibrant planet for all people

So come join us on Saturday October 24, from 4:30–6:00 pm at the Odd Fellows Hall in Eastsound, to raise our voices in song in a Climate Change Sing-Along to Stop Global Warming!