21-007929 Traffic Hazard 06:20:22 09/01/21
A Lopez Island Deputy was sent to look for two sheep grazing along Center Rd near Hummel Lake. The sheep had found greener pastures before the Deputy arrived.

21-007933 Parking Problem 09:00:26 09/01/21
A Lopez Island Deputy responded to an ongoing parking problem in the area of the Hunter Bay Dock. A vehicle owner was contacted, and will move the car.

21-007936 Illegal Burning 09:59:58 09/01/21
A Lopez Island Deputy responded with fire personnel to an illegal backyard burn. The fire was contained in a fire pit, and extinguished by fire personnel. The owner was instructed on methods to accurately verify burning restrictions in place locally.

21-007942 Trouble Unknown 12:43:18 09/01/21
A Lopez Island Deputy was sent to check on an incomplete 911 call from a cell phone at a business. There was no emergency, and no one there was connected to the 911 call.

21-007955 Aircraft Problem 17:23:04 09/01/21
Several concerned Lopez citizens reported a sea plane floating in San Juan Channel. Despite assumptions, there was no mechanical crisis. The plane was waiting for dock space at Rosario and took off without issue once it became available.

21-007965 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 23:01:55 09/01/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to a suspicious circumstance of a person looking into the windows of a residence. The suspect was not located, and a report was taken.

21-007966 Domestic Dispute or Assault 00:08:25 09/02/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to a disturbance call. The source of the disturbance was located and contacted. No crime was found to have been committed and a report was completed.

21-007967 Domestic Dispute or Assault 00:44:56 09/02/21
This report narrative was completed under 21-007966 and was a continuation of that same incident.

21-007972 Missing Person 09:42:08 09/02/21
A San Juan Deputy was dispatched to a report of a missing person. The person was located, and the reporting party was advised.

21-007974 Litter/Pollution/Public Health 10:20:23 09/02/21
A Lopez Deputy investigated a report of littering. Given the large amount of steer manure that was involved, criminal charges were forwarded to the court for review.

21-007975 Welfare Check 10:27:38 09/02/21
A Lopez Deputy did a welfare check at the request of an off island relative. All was well.

21-007976 Child Abuse or Neglect 10:51:14 09/02/21
Lopez Deputies followed up on a case referral from CPS. The incident did not occur in or involve a county resident.

21-007982 Burn Investigation 11:50:12 09/02/21
An Orcas Island Deputy assisted Orcas Island Fire with a burn investigation. A small swath of land was accidentally burned on the 700 block of Pinneo Rd. An investigation revealed no criminal act occurred. A report was authored.

21-007981 Weapons Offense 12:58:12 09/02/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to a report of a weapons offense. No crime appeared to have been committed and the incident was documented.

21-007985 Accident-NonInj 14:18:41 09/02/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to a report of a reportable two vehicle collision with no injuries in Friday Harbor. The collision was investigated and a collision report was generated.

21-007999 Harassment 00:50:15 09/03/21
A Lopez citizen responded to a harassment call. A trespassing letter was issued.

21-008001 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 08:11:23 09/03/21
A Deputy on Orcas responded to a suspicious call near Eastsound. After the investigation was completed an informational report was written.

21-008003 Citizen Dispute 10:33:20 09/03/21
An Orcas Deputy responded to a citizen dispute. After further investigation it was determine the incident was a civil matter. A report was written.

21-008006 Trespassing 11:28:44 09/03/21
A Deputy on Orcas responded to a call to trespass someone from a local business. The subject was served the No Trespass Warning Letter and understood if they returned they would be arrested for trespassing.

21-008007 Harassment 11:42:30 09/03/21
A Lopez resident requested a trespass letter be issued to another person on the island. The letter was issued.

21-008025 Wanted Person 19:24:34 09/03/21
A Deputy on San Juan Island located a subject wanted on an outstanding arrest warrant. The subject was arrested on the warrant and booked into jail pending a court hearing.

21-008027 DUI 19:46:29 09/03/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to a report of a DUI. The driver was located, stopped and arrested for DUI. Due to a prior DUI arrest within the last 10 years, the driver was booked into jail per state law.

21-008042 Malicious Mischief 10:48:44 09/04/21
A Deputy was dispatched to a Malicious Mischief in the San Juan Island area. The Deputy arrived and contacted the caller. The caller advised someone had pulled down several signs and driven in a off-limit area in a park. Several signs were also missing. Report taken.

21-008044 Suspicious Person/Circumstance 11:55:22 09/04/21
A Deputy was dispatched to a Suspicious Circumstance in the Friday Harbor area. The Deputy contacted the caller and was provided evidence from the incident. Report taken.

21-008051 Found Property 14:48:04 09/04/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to a report of a found cellphone. The owner was not able to be located and the phone was entered into evidence.

21-008055 Mental Health 16:04:07 09/04/21 
Lopez Deputies checked on a report of possible trespassers at a private residence. No criminal activity was found.

21-008056 Boating Problem 16:34:23 09/04/21
A Lopez Deputy checked followed up on a report of a small boat that has washed up near Shark Reef. The boat was not located.

21-008066 Child Abuse or Neglect 18:07:18 09/04/21
A Lopez Deputy responded to a child abuse call. Upon investigation, the parent in question used some profanity with their child, but the incident did not amount to child abuse.

21-008070 Theft 18:42:40 09/04/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to the Snug Harbor Resort on a reported theft. A sign was stolen by unknown persons. A report was taken.

21-008074 Accident-Injury, Traffic 19:07:37 09/04/21
A Deputy on San Juan Island responded to a report of a vehicle vs skate boarder collision. The skate boarder sustained minor injuries and was transported to the hospital. A collision report was completed.

21-008081 Abandoned Vehicle 22:59:09 09/04/21
A Deputy on San Juan Island responded to a single vehicle collision blocking the roadway with no occupants on scene. The vehicle appeared to have gone into the ditch and collided with some large rocks. The vehicle was abandoned and towed from the scene.

21-008089 Civil Problem 10:46:50 09/05/21
A community member came to the Sheriff’s office to report on activity at her rental home. She became irate when advised that her matter was not criminal. An informational report was filed.

21-008097 Court Order Violation 12:49:14 09/05/21
An Orcas Island Deputy investigated an allegation of a No-Contact order violation. A report was taken and forwarded to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office for review.

21-008106 Weapons Offense 14:10:06 09/05/21
A Deputy on San Juan Island responded to a report of a window of a house being shot by a stray bullet. The case was investigated and it was unfounded who shot the bullet due to multiple people shooting the same gun. All were advised on shooting with a safe backstop.

21-008123 Domestic Dispute or Assault 23:33:01 09/05/21
Orcas Island Deputies were dispatched to a domestic disturbance. It was determined to be verbal in nature only. A report was taken.

21-008125 Heart ALS 08:26:58 09/06/21
A Deputy was dispatched to a Medical Incident in the Friday Harbor area. The reporting Deputy responded and the person was turned over to another agency for treatment. Report taken.

21-008143 Unwanted Person 22:11:53 09/06/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to an unwanted person complaint. The subject of the complaint left when the Sheriff was called. An informational report was completed.

21-008145 Domestic Dispute or Assault 08:07:20 09/07/21
A Deputy was dispatched to a Domestic in the Friday Harbor area. The Deputy arrived and contacted the people involved. The incident involved a parenting issue. The Deputy determined no actionable crime had occurred. Informational report was taken.

21-008146 Found Property 08:17:06 09/07/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to a report of a found wallet. The owner was not able to be located and the wallet was entered into evidence.

21-008147 Malicious Mischief 08:32:47 09/07/21
A Deputy was dispatched to a Malicious Mischief in the San Juan Island area. The Deputy arrived and contacted the caller. The Deputy investigated the person’s complaint. The person also turned over an item to be taken into safekeeping. Report taken.

21-008150 Welfare Check 09:41:07 09/07/21
A Lopez Deputy responded to a welfare check on a Lopez business employee who did not show up for work and was unreachable. The Deputy contacted the citizen and discovered that the citizen had slept through their alarm clock.

21-008169 Harassment 19:46:27 09/07/21
A San Juan Deputy responded to a domestic harassment complaint by a former spouse. No crimes were committed and both parties were contacted. An informational report was filed.