— from Ron Krebs, San Juan County Sheriff —

On Sunday afternoon the Sheriff’s Office received a report that a high school student was going to come “shoot up” the school in Friday Harbor. The juvenile was believed to be off island, but possibly coming back Sunday night to collect his stuff and then leave the island to move to Arizona. A comprehensive search was conducted Sunday night without success. After speaking with his parents and friends, we believed that he was in fact not on island. After monitoring the off loading of the ferries, we also determined the subject also did not come off the ferries.

On Monday the Sheriff’s Office placed a deputy at the school and responded to reports the suspect had returned to the island. Again, after monitoring the offloading of the ferries, speaking with his family, and speaking with the subject on the phone, we still strongly believe he is not on the island and are making every effort to confirm that.

While talking with him on the phone, he adamantly denies having made a threat against the school, its students, or staff. We ask that he come into the Sheriff’s Office and talk with us so that we can determine how this threat got started. Until such time, we will continue to be vigilant in both community and school safety.