Sunday, January 3 at 11:30 a.m. in Benson Hall at Emmanuel Episcopal Church

The Orcas Unitarian Universalist Fellowship service, “The New Year”  will be lead by Sharon Abreu this Sunday. “We’ll have a brief service, including the sharing of joys and concerns, and everyone who wants to will have an opportunity to share what significance the beginning of a new year might (or might not) have for them. We tend to have rich, heartening dialogue,” says Abreu. There will be some singing, plus coffee and cookies.

Abreu adds, “If you’ve never been to a UU service, it’s not religious, not theology-based, but it is heart-filling, based on principles of humanity’s highest values. UUs are generally spiritual-but- not-religious types, people most interested in community participation, care for the Earth and social justice. We meet only once a month on Orcas, the first Sunday of the month.

Please let us know if you need a ride – or have any other needs that the Fellowship may be able to help with. Kathy Hendrickson is our Caring Coordinator. Contact her ( when you need a hand.